terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

SAA 5 Oil Spill

Hi everyone!
This is a summary of a piece of news from Kariéllen. It's about BP oil spill.

BP finally seals leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well

On April 20th, the worst accident about oil spill in the Us history happend, when the deepwater horizon rig blew up, killing eleven workers and later sinking.

After eighty seven days , the rupture was sealed after spewed more than four millions of barrels of oil into de Gulf of Mexico.

The BP company put a temporary cap in the hole on July 15th, sealed the flow, but last Thusday they linked up with the rupture weel and started to pumping out cement. Because of this, the cap wasn’t necessary anymore and the spill was permanently closed.

The spill oil finished but the environment damage is still a nightmare to hundreds of miles of US coast. The oil arrived in many beaches and killed many sea animals. How to clean up everything?

Obama said: “we are commited to do everything possible to make sure the Gulf of Mexico recovers fully from this disaster. But will it be possible?

Maybe it’s impossible to rebuild everything or it will spend too much time and money. The oil can be degradated by the nature luckly, would be worse.

Now all the oil company must think about it and has a plan in cases of accident like this, because the consequences are so serious and affect all the world.

Kariéllen, Quality Control Analyst

ARTICLE http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/11365122

VIDEO http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-10848147

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