quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

The "O" sound in English

Hi everyone!
have you ever heard a foreigner here in Brazil trying to say "vovô" and "vovó"?
Well, for those of you who don´t know, they would say "vou-vou" for both; it is very hard for them to distinguish these sounds, and you know why?
Because in English, the sound "ô" DOES NOT EXIST!
Exactly! Do not be shocked! (I always say this when I post about pronunciation, right?)
In English, the letter "o" can have many sounds, but the main ones are:



OU- JONES (it´s not "Jones", but "Jounes")
NOTE ( it´s not "note", but "noute")
VIDEO (it´s not "vidjo", but "videouuuu")

how about the word PROJECT? Is it PROUJECT or PRÓJECT? It´s either one of these, but not "PRÔJECT". (it´s próject, actually)

The letter O can still have other sounds:

â- idiom, idiot
and the most shocking of all:
u- tomb is pronounced "tum"!!!!!
Don´t believe me? Check it out: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tomb

Yes guys, as you can see, pronunciation in English is very very tricky!!!
Hence, the importance of learning the phonetic symbols, because, as you can see one more time, LETTERS DO NOT REPRESENT SOUNDS, phonetic symbols do.

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